What is the value of support in decision making, extended excellent prenatal care, autonomy in decision-making, support for instinct and intuition in the realm of labor and birth?

Standard Package

Care with Becky is $5,750 for people coming into care, starting April 1, 2024.

  • Includes complete midwifery care
  • Includes $700 for birth assistant, paid by the midwife
  • Initial payment of $500 holds your spot on the midwife’s calendar. This payment is non-refundable,
    but it will be applied to your total fee.
  • A payment of at least $100 should be made at each visit. These
    payments do not all need to be the same; it is acceptable to make a large payment near the deadline (for
    example tax return).


In order to have more payment options, I am offer an adjusted payment plan that can continue after the birth. Payment plan must be signed up for before 20 weeks of pregnancy.

22 Payments


After retainer fee of $500, plus $250 at first visit

22 months for a total of $750 + (22) x ($250) = $6,250

 “Homebirth midwives are experts in supporting the maternal well-being that fosters normal birth. Midwives provide thorough, personalized care throughout the childbearing cycle and protect the period of intimate bonding that is at the center of the experience for mother, baby, and family” (MANA Homebirth Support Document 2012). 



  • Regular prenatal care: Monthly one-hour visits in your home starting in the first trimester, through 28 weeks, then every 2 weeks from 28 weeks through 36 weeks, and then weekly until the baby is born.
  • Labor, delivery, and immediate postpartum care, including a minimum of two to four hours in the home postpartum.
  • Postpartum care approximately on the following schedule: 24 to 48 hours postpartum, then 3 days (this one is optional/“as needed”), 1-2 weeks, and 6 weeks.
  • 24 hour on-call coverage by the midwife in the entire “due window”: 37 to 43 weeks
  • Little Star Birth Services, LLC, does not participate with any insurance.  **Once payment is completed** Becky will provide you with a list of services, dates and codes provided, which you can then submit to your insurance.  The offer of a list of services for you to submit to insurance is provided as a service to clients with insurance; to arrange for reimbursement of part of the fees paid, or to apply to the deductible.  This is given after all care is rendered and payment is completed (earliest, Six weeks postpartum; or once payment is completed).
  • Becky takes a fixed, small number of Medicaid (Virginia only) clients per year.

Becky is a newer Medicaid provider in Virginia, and has a limited number of openings per year for Medicaid clients. Please inquire about the process, because the system for Medicaid to work has several steps, which must be done for you to receive care and Becky to get paid for it.

Refund Policy
  • Original deposit of $500 is non-refundable at 24 hours after payment.
  • If transfer out of care occurs prior to 36 weeks, care will be billed at per-diem rate, and balance refunded within 30 days.
  • No refund after 36 weeks of gestation.
Late to Care

I do not prorate care based on gestational age or for women or birthing people who have received prior care.  We do a lot of work in a very short time to come up to speed on the progression of the pregnancy and what we can do to continue the low-risk status of your pregnancy.

Other Perspectives

I have included a couple of links below that address issues about paying for your homebirth from a new midwife:

From someone who had a homebirth:

From someone who attempted to find out how much a standard vaginal hospital birth would cost:

Contact Midwife Becky

2 + 5 =

There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don’t ask for it,
it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon
and passes through, carrying the child with it.

Sheryl Feldman