Becky’s Story

Becky’s Story

A very long time ago I envisioned myself being a care provider like Dr. Quinn:  Medicine Woman. I was absolutely entranced that she provided care for people in her community and balanced it with her family.  She was driven to do research, she struggled with cultural...

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Keeper of Birth: WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife

Keeper of Birth: WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife

Originally a Guest Post By: Becky at: https://www.the-exponent.com/keeper-of-birth-who-year-of-the-nurse-and-midwife/  - (September 10, 2020)   I am a keeper of birth. I stand at the door of life, expecting life to happen, biology to flourish, the breath of life...

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A Walk Into My Past

A Walk Into My Past

(the year was 2011) … I think I pegged very well where she was in her labor, except I could not figure out when transition happened. Maybe it happened before we went back upstairs! The mom was amazing. She moved her body very ably to move the baby past the internal...

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